Tento zdrojový kód je k dispozici ke stažení zde: cmd_v12_2004_09_27.zip(~1 MB)

 1: program cmd;
 4: uses SysUtils,basShell,Chip;
 6: function CommandLine:string;
 8: function GetParamStr(P: PChar{; var Param: string}): PChar;
 9: var
10:    Len: Integer;
11:    Buffer: array[0..4095] of Char;
12: begin
13:    while True do
14:    begin
15:      while (P[0] <> #0) and (P[0] <= ' ') do Inc(P);
16:      if (P[0] = '"') and (P[1] = '"') then Inc(P, 2) else Break;
17:    end;
18:    Len := 0;
19:    while (P[0] > ' ') and (Len < SizeOf(Buffer)) do
20:      if P[0] = '"' then
21:      begin
22:        Inc(P);
23:        while (P[0] <> #0) and (P[0] <> '"') do
24:        begin
25:          Buffer[Len] := P[0];
26:          Inc(Len);
27:          Inc(P);
28:        end;
29:        if P[0] <> #0 then Inc(P);
30:      end else
31:      begin
32:        Buffer[Len] := P[0];
33:        Inc(Len);
34:        Inc(P);
35:      end;
36: //   SetString(Param, Buffer, Len);
37:    Result := P;
38: end;
40: begin
41: Result:=Trim(StrPas(GetParamStr(CmdLine)))
42: end;
44: var Script:Chip.TBasic;
45: begin
46: Script:=basShell.TBasic.Create;
47: try
48:   Script.input:=@input;
49:   Script.output:=@output;
50:   Script.Run(CommandLine)
51: finally
52:   Script.Free;
53: end
54: end.

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