Tento zdrojový kód je k dispozici ke stažení zde: ExcelDiff.bas(~2 KB)

 1: Attribute VB_Name = "ExcelDiff"
 2: Public Sub DiffCell(OldValue As String, NewValue As String, cell As Range)
 3:     Dim commands As String
 4:     commands = Diff(OldValue, NewValue)
 6:     ' make unprintable characters visible
 7:     commands = Replace(commands, DIFF_INSERT & Chr(13) & DIFF_INSERT & Chr(10), DIFF_INSERT & "\" & DIFF_INSERT & "n")
 8:     commands = Replace(commands, DIFF_DELETE & Chr(13) & DIFF_DELETE & Chr(10), DIFF_DELETE & "\" & DIFF_DELETE & "n")
 9:     commands = Replace(commands, DIFF_INSERT & Chr(13), DIFF_INSERT & "\" & DIFF_INSERT & "r")
10:     commands = Replace(commands, DIFF_DELETE & Chr(13), DIFF_DELETE & "\" & DIFF_DELETE & "r")
12:     Dim text As String
13:     Dim i As Integer
14:     text = ""
15:     For i = 2 To Len(commands) Step 2
16:         text = text & Mid(commands, i, 1)
17:     Next
19:     cell.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
20:     cell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
21:     cell.NumberFormat = "@"
22:     cell.FormulaR1C1 = text
23:     If Left(cell.text, 6) = "######" Then
24:         cell.NumberFormat = "General"
25:     End If
27:     i = 1
28:     While commands <> ""
29:         Select Case Mid(commands, 1, 1)
30:         Case DIFF_INSERT
31:             With cell.Characters(Start:=i, Length:=1).Font
32:                 .ColorIndex = 5
33:                 .FontStyle = "Bold"
34:                 .Underline = True
35:                 ' TUNE: .size = 11
36:             End With
38:         Case DIFF_DELETE
39:             With cell.Characters(Start:=i, Length:=1).Font
40:                 .Strikethrough = True
41:                 .FontStyle = "Bold"
42:                 ' TUNE: .size = 11
43:                 .ColorIndex = 3
44:             End With
46:         Case DIFF_COPY
47:             ' default format
48:         End Select
49:         i = i + 1
50:         commands = Mid(commands, 3)
51:     Wend
52: End Sub

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